Some mournful boomtown pine trees imagine The Messiah (Mark Matisons) in a strange embrace with the eternal undead spirit of surfing at Hallucination Bay. Moving to the mad-bebop-rhythm of his purest being, for pleasure; wild-eyed-exuberant and trance-like in parallel stance. Phil Edwards stands on a hill (gleeful-ecstatic-joy at this wild scene of deliverance from the frail chains of surfing for commerce or competition). In a too-clean cafeteria some zombies eat bacon, smug.
the australian surfing resurrection - feel purple, taste wild surf films from the sidestreets
Blast-off! Suspended in a waking-dream state, the interstellar space hobbit Lachlan Leckie conducts skull-bursting-mindless-headcocks in wild fantasy seas of velvet; Keven Brennan beams-in from another epoch, signalling the Australian Surfing Resurrection (and clearly too much to dream last night). Bobby Limb back announces The Masters Apprentices from a kiosk on the edge of tyme…
a far out trip into the paisley underground
Wolf girl took me down a port city street on a foggy knight – black rain – floods - something strange in a deep sea cave beneath – breathing heavy like a giant sleeping moon-monster – cracking the port city buildings, the gaol, the haunted lunatic asylum - it appeared in night-terrors – an angel of death. Wolf girl steps aside into a shadow. She picks up a jar of eternity laying in this sidesteet since 1966, which had been reopened once or twice since then, and subsequently abandoned until now. The vessel contains the secrets of the paisley undgerground. Wolf girls eye's are wild.
‘do you see my wild eyes?’
She twists the lid. Velvety clouds of joy explode from the jar, slaying the cave beast. The dark angel withers. Outcries of ecstacy! Amazing visions - salty merchants carrying new world treasures – ted spencer dripping with paisley sea tears extending through hollow sections of glee –the easybeats play wild vibrating beat in a cavern – up on a sun-soaked-hill-covered-in-dry-wild-hay-and-a-few-flowers jangly mystic guitars chime – September girls in paisley dresses trip through these fields – keven brennan surfing to love – orange skies - bobby brown raw and alive – magic 9th dimension surfing vessels – the count five – the electric prune spoon – Thomas Bexon sails by on a tiny yacht heading for the edge of the flat earth!
The paisley underground series by insect - eternal surfing boards from the summer of 66, decorated with incredibly scarce vintage paisley fabric inlays - contact
the insects that are not aliens surfing club gos summer-mad in noosa - sponnoed by noosa longboards
tim crabtree the mod on a scooter - tripn balls pushing pies in hastings street - look out! don't tread on that banana cake - lachlan leckie with spiders in his hair and spiders in his eyes - the most bogus head cocks - bogus board swaps - vintage pacific surfcraft sellout like the hoodoo gurus in 1987 - thomas bexonyouthgonemad - peter farally mad on makaha footage - megan wagener with flowers in her hair and flowers in her eyes - d fin - toads - loose plans and misadveture - pure joy - pure joy
Ladies and gentlemen and children of the insect, hot-doggers, kooks, rubbernecks, pork-choppers, cellar dwellars, swamp inhabitants, sharpies and others; allow me to lay down the following news. This is to announce the death of the thinnest regime of truth which has dominated the art of surfing since the early epochs, from 1966 until yesterday morning at about 8:13 am, whereupon a think tank to do with a new style of on-edge surfing took place on the shores of Western Australia, Australia. No longer constrained by the mad insane complex of commerciality and sanitation which has reigned down upon the freedom and joy of what would otherwise be free thinking individuals, a contingent of surfers opened their minds to new dimensions of pure surf, direct from the id, portraying the limitlessness of the art as much as themselves; forsaking the demands of rule books and time itself, of suburban mind-locked defeatism. Lachlan Leckie of Coolangatta, New South Wales. Parrish Watts, Nooosa Heads, Queensland. Kent Turkich and Jock Bahen, locals but gypsies. As the sea turned to gold, the wind subsided, these boys really turned on. A style of surfing never seen in these parts. Growing awareness of what was at hand. Of the fragments, distant moments, thoughts, realities...coming together like atoms. A consolidated movement. A head-cock in the direction of Midget, a hint of Russel Hughes, gestures taken from the breadth of the glossary but improvised, unshackled, and generally in spite of mediocrity, homogeneity.
If you go there. To Australia. Do be aware that a revolution of the self, of the spirit, is happening on those sunny shores, every very bit as much as an Australian Surf Resurrection. Kent Turkich
frothing robert redford, moon germs, carnival, canavril, tim crabtree sinks his ship, hans pomeranz, head cock, leg cock, sky saxon, psychotic
The untold insight of you unshackled mind
Space time compression will testify that we are tops now as then, and these Jordan Nobel space vessels with Kent Turkich speculation will deliver YOU from the drudgery of domestic hell to the mood of the Insects That Are Not Aliens Surfing Club. Midget Farrely revivalists! Ted Spencer revisionists! Timeless surfing in an age where time is irrelevant, a borderless sea, at last. A garage rock revival...of sorts. Katoomba hey!
Australian Surf Resurrection!
Three models depicting the heights of Australian surfing in the mid to late 60s. Refined for timeless surfing – a modified Sam from the hot generation, a 67 style vee bottom stubby to cure the loveless, and a Spenceresque spoon for embryonic involvent. Pure joy friends. Pure joy...
Count 3! – a refined traditional longboard researched by Australias best log riders for surfing beautiful waves on any coast. 1966 to the present – this is timeless joy.
9’4 – 9’6, rolled bottom, flat deck, wide hips – raw and alive!
a lady in the swamps of munna point noosa handed us these pictures. she cleaned the fires and facilities in that general area. one of the men in stubbies is her brother, nz, 1967. hair style confusion, vee bottoms like the back of cricket bats, naive child-like psychedelic slogans - what else do you want? around about crescent head acid rain fell our our whithered skin, and on the prints
or something.
its not me its an incarnation of me.
im not there.
or here.
or anywhere.
the crazy never die for sure.
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