the first epoch

the first epoch
welcome to the first epoch of the insects that are not aliens surfing club - timeless joy. to be taken to the second epoch, please click on the pic or go to but don't blow your mynd...away

parsley dreaming

parsley dreaming
mythological petals and flowers and surfing tyme in hallucination bay - a delicious ride into the unconscious mynd of surfing - you can hear in the distance mad trains to the heart of a port city and the spirit of surfing and beyond that too - the australian surfing resurrection infinately cosmic post-dogger-post-corporate surfing for truth! - in parsley dreams (stay out of the maze)

pic dean darby

a portal on the verge of the psychic realm (other side) - click to be transported to the the insects that are not aliens surfing club - eternal recurrence - a brief interlude on the tryp to the second epoch

forever mysteries and ? in the new dawn of australian surfing

forever mysteries and ? in the new dawn of australian surfing
a weatherboard wall of mystery in a byron back-street conjures up the spectre of lachlan leckie out of eternity 10 years into the future unphotographable except by the hobo photographer dean darby

king of caloundra - cuts doloro (centre) - at the new dawn

cuts doloro paisley fin - the mystical salty merchants - contact

boomtown rambler on the edge of unsanity scent of summery-bright day original dreams and resurrection (some ghosts in the teatree bush) - pic dean darby

the unknowns - hunched

other-side surf

other-side surf
noosa hot generation psych-out kiosk lurkers of the knight bubbling-up from the underground - pic lachlan leckie

a back-alley psychedelic band the mynds eye shake-it

the greaser matty chonoski looking at the ghost of andy warhurst in the haunted southern most (tasmanian) colonies of australia - pic dean darby

meganan wagner wyld and free exhibiting mad mystical salty merchants fin - go to or click on link trypper!

raquel welch dreaming of the new dawn

the otchkies shake-up the mad regime!

the otchkies

angus otchkie out of his mynd

The Australian surfing resurrection: Shake-it brothers and sisters of the wyld knight!

The Australian surfing resurrection: Shake-it brothers and sisters of the wyld knight!
take the trip now with a loose cast of duffel coat disciples in an ironic maroon volvo bound for an inner space journey along the smaller, forgotten routes from sydney to noosa heads, australia

a strange apparition lingering around a kiosk in tugan


the australian surfing resurrection - pie shop sinners

the australian surfing resurrection - pie shop sinners
A pie shop in Avalon imagines the enduring spirit of surfing: past, present, future (undead) - thanks Trevor Newby for this godly pic found in a north beach shack

the entranceway to play

the entranceway to play
Sitting in a parlor, in a straight-back chair. Your mother slowly starts to descend the stairs. The butler ushers me out the door. Your mother told him said to wait outside. Where is the entranceway to play? Where is the entranceway to play? Play, play, play, play, play. Play, play, play, play, play the Count Five surfboard - Thomas Bexon shaping, Jake William Bowery glass, The Hot Generation lurking in the madness of the dream...

channel five (tune in) - dean darby

peter tork considers the count five surfboard and is illuminated by the spirit of 66

dean darby the photographer is a mysterious hobo from the dank shacks of an edge suburb near a desert - jazzed - flashing (have you seen the saucers?)

the gato-set

the gato-set
evan daley-tripper stands erect with a wild death dagger. click on the pic for more far-out foils from his venus mind

when the waves are big in sydney, the more adventurous surfers head to the harbour. here, matt chojnacki, palm beach's pomade king, barefoot psychobilly, the greaser, surfs an unlikely wave of pleasure as a strange boy looks on - amazed - matty has done it again! (nancy sinatra and lee hazelwood are similarly impressed as they look out from a tree, one velvet morning in sydney, australia, the harbour city) - pic bluesnapper

'this place agrees with me more than any place i have ever known...'

the mysical salty merchants

the mysical salty merchants
while travelling in the deserts of new world america with a wild temptress on a paisley camel, lachlan leckie was infected by a strange hallucinogenic germ passed down body to body from his ancestors until it reached his own. potentially poisonous, the germ induced convultions and near death but ultimately gave rise to the mystical salty merchants

ancient seaman - leckie clan

mystical salty merchants loaded camel tee - coolangatta culdesac production - these are made by one of australia's keenest artists and vee bottom surfers. for more information and designs, or to get one, go to, click on the pic or visit the australian surfing resurrection

shake-up the new dawn brothers and sisters of the knight!

shake-up the new dawn brothers and sisters of the knight!
five years into the future the insects that are not aliens surfing club (depicted by the mad photographer dean darby) at hallucination bay countering the narrowing circles of the surfing form into ever widening spheres of pure spirit into eternity and the insane cosmos (beyond)

wild cave girls in a mystery


ghost of kent turkich

Some mournful boomtown pine trees imagine The Messiah (Mark Matisons) in a strange embrace with the eternal undead spirit of surfing at Hallucination Bay. Moving to the mad-bebop-rhythm of his purest being, for pleasure; wild-eyed-exuberant and trance-like in parallel stance. Phil Edwards stands on a hill (gleeful-ecstatic-joy at this wild scene of deliverance from the frail chains of surfing for commerce or competition). In a too-clean cafeteria some zombies eat bacon, smug.



mods and rocker unite to discuss the sequential, cyclical, moving-ever-changing form of surfing in the new era, and 1966, next week in noosa heads

it's a new dawn (noosa 2012)

it's a new dawn (noosa 2012)
jake bevan: angel-hearted bebop log steerer and surfmat rider from the mean-dark streets of sydney

(keith) paul erratic bird madness in the long pink dusk

the second annual world bellyboard exhibition

doomy noosa afternoon of love

doomy noosa afternoon of love
a catastrophic cloud evokes an image of a surfer on a noosa point while dane peterson takes a picture of that scene. for more sensitive surfing pictures by (the in-love) dane go to or click on pic

more gato heroi surfboards from the back-alleys of manly beach, australia!

more gato heroi surfboards from the back-alleys of manly beach, australia!
a death dagger surfboard made by sickrat during a period of heightened insight (for angelo). more gatos on the way to australia - click on the pic for more information (postdoggers!)

evan daley-tripper moon-howler in the mysical noosa night (some surfie ghosts in the background)

wild tales from the other side of scott wintle!

wild tales from the other side of scott wintle!
click on the pic to be taken down the slime path to crusty-paparazzi and more mad pics from the back shacks (swampmonsters live there: beware)

kent turkich alleviating (keith) paul of his responsibilities regarding an inner tea tree cylinder (portal) to outer space - pic by scott wintle

scott wintle - thrill seeker (the head in the water) - real surfing photography in the trajectory of a suncrazed misfit on the nose - pic by al ashwerth

the mummies - wild undead garage band - go insane!

it's a new dawn

it's a new dawn
Alex Bulpit playing Cuts Doloro to deceive the crowd. Nat Young–scene-Endless Summer-stylings and a tee shirt bearing an inconceivably small logo. Illegible, but familiar - he turns his snotty nose up at dead beat minds, coming out of his Caloundra culdesac batcave, sneering, wild-eyed bringing unspeakable revelations.


this is bobby brown tearing down the line of a sandon point crystal cylinder ship about to catapult the great one into eternity all to the sound of Love

alex bulpit cuts back - pic high seas studio (click to go there creeps!)

the easybeats in england

eternal summer 66

eternal summer 66
love the flower-child

kiosk wear for the australian surfing resurrection

kiosk wear for the australian surfing resurrection

capt pdog tee by vintage pacific surfcraft

surfing shirt by asr

the banshees mad-laughing-in-a-lane

the spiders fuzz-out...shakin'

the great gut-slide sensation! - noosa 2012

the great gut-slide sensation! - noosa 2012

a surprising uprising of honest surfing spirit

a surprising uprising of honest surfing spirit
foam symmetry

insect tee shirts available presently for saturday's children

insect tee shirts available presently for saturday's children
shake-up the new dawn - acid mushroom of illusion

count five! - eternal summer 66

trip through the endless circles of tomorrow

trip through the endless circles of tomorrow

(keith) paul enters the insect trust

(keith) paul enters the insect trust
returning from the northern desert communes with a head full of stems and flowers, (keith) paul is overcome with joy as the young postdogger is presented with an exciting proposition - a deal with the insects that are not aliens surfing club rumoured to be valued somewhere in the double figures. a star member of the insect exhibition team, appearing in truck stops, kiosks and beat cafes across australia this summer. full of hope - gazing into the eternal turquoise sky blue lavender paisley – wishing up a dream – 1000 years ago

a group of cave-girls appears savage

an uncomfortably long (eternal) hand-shake confirms the deal. the resurrection beckons (bexon shapes a surfboard)

greatings to blake 7 from sydney, australia, and to gato heroi!

greatings to blake 7 from sydney, australia, and to gato heroi!
blake 7 displays the first gato heroi surfing board to touch the desperate soil of the western colonies of australia. the boys commemorated this auspicious occasion with a very gay celebration, marvelling at the cunning manoeuvrability of the keenly designed ‘space pig’ which compared favourably in all aspects of functionality, enabling the advanced rider to transverse the wave at an acute angle in a fashion conducive to 'hot' action and thrills! (upon his return to sydney, something happened to blake 7, something went pop - he lost all his bananas)

donna flower child

900 million people making love

900 million people making love
lost in a dream, peter farrelly falls off the edge of his mind

love the flower child. godfather of garage. sky saxon is in my head

kent turkich makes surfing shirts in a salmon brick penthouse on the side-streets of an australian beach on the edge of a city of people. a candle looks forlorn. burnt out

seedpsych ***!


sky saxon turns his back on tyme (and space) - slippn' and falln'

peter farrelly paints the sky with his mind's eye while riding a long wave, noosa heads, queensland, australia (a head floats in the warm water)

all praise postdoggerism! thank the lord (keven brennan)

all praise postdoggerism! thank the lord (keven brennan)
gato heroi - what's on your mind? the ballad of the hip dead proclaims - 'A true postdogger in any give surf situation remains casual yet expresses through gesture, maneuver, or trick his or her relationship with the wave and the ocean's unpredictability. In this casualness, a postdogger's personalty is shown. Remember personalities differ in certain degrees from postdogger to postdogger, no right or wrong, overt or introvert. Sometimes the most functional maneuver is doing absolutely nothing and just standing there. Riding in the tube, fits the perfect example. Sometimes, just a smile fits the definition. Sometimes, just being a cool cat in the critical section and then whipping out some insane gesture when faced with the act of wave riding follows the spontaneous ethos of postdoggerism.' (Edfactor @ Gato, pic of Evan Daley Tripper entering the sacred mushroom of abstract sound on final-scenes-hot-generation-spaceship by PERO)

a strange party of executives imagines miki dora concurring with the previous sentiments

gato heroi wild adventure into the inner realm of oz

gato heroi wild adventure into the inner realm of oz
every man searches for himself in some way...Evan Daley-Tripper has the need to feel the sun, sand and sea close to him in his seach for himself...Gato Heroi is a revolutionary breakthrough into the universal mind of surfing - a divine embrace with the reality of free-thought surf and love in the new world Australia ( or click on this pic and it will transform you forthwith)

boy receives new gato - next week

be like an insect, (love the flower child)

insects shake-it

insects shake-it
the waves are fast and tight. the messiah, (keith) paul and kent are...turning on

hallucination bay - travel with your mind

hallucination bay - travel with your mind

phil edwardian revisionist the messiah cutting back on a wave (paul smyth pic - click to be taken there)

(keith) paul enters the insect trust

(keith) paul enters the insect trust

(keith) paul flower child from the northern garages and desert communes - saturdays child free and wylde - shares a little joke with the world - insect trust member in good standing - ariseth!

(keith) paul - what's got into you?


the truth about surfing

the truth about surfing
Thank the lord. Praise be to Keven Brennan (always). The future may yet make more sense than we could have hoped; the previous generation will be enraged to hear the spirit rising again against bland uniformity - main street surf magazines revealed as they truly are (a pack of lies) – main street surf shops crumbling – blind subordination of the individual to the faceless organization wearing thin – the quest for normalcy looking rather forlorn – a pack of lies on it’s deathbed. How so sir? Justin Bevan - northern beaches prophet meaningfully capturing the mood of crazy young allies who surf for the new dawn. Dane Peterson speculation - in love with a wild girl in golden eternity. Kent Turkich west coast distribution. Something significant is taking place – Foam Symmetry. (click on pic for the scoop, rubbernecks!)

tim crabtree's wild trip

tim crabtree's wild trip
Tim Crabtree investigating the wisdom of walls on the verge of an Insect Trust funded trip to the new world – sailing to the Americas, strange ungodly creatures, mermaids, astronomy… - Karl Mackie Photography (click on pic)

the spiders

cosmic signals from Tokers Sliding Commune

cosmic signals from Tokers Sliding Commune
The Otchkies. Flower children able to move teacups with will-power. Making blinkered minds crumble like scones. Turn up your radio freaks! - (or click on image)

shake-up the new dawn

shake-up the new dawn

another planet

another planet
The Messiah (seen here going right) - the world's finest exponent or the functional style of surfing. Armageddon just around the corner - mushroom clouds falling - acid rain falling on some sad black hills where giant scorpions and other snakey mysteries live beneath a desert city (gone batty).

mystical salty merchants

mystical salty merchants
lachlan leckie hanging around the deserts, ports and jazz cafeterias of southern california...tomorrow

jimmy - dangerous - looking for frantic kicks in a hot neighbourhood

miki dora running on his own time

sidestreet psych - a turning point - the otchkies are the sound of the resurrection

the creatures

the otchkies shake-up the new dawn

the otchkies shake-up the new dawn
the otchkies come with the morning reign and conduct a wyld affair in the southern most regions of the mind (click on the pic to be transported)


some wild dandelions imagine a wave

the australian surfing resurrection - feel purple, taste wild surf films from the sidestreets

Blast-off! Suspended in a waking-dream state, the interstellar space hobbit Lachlan Leckie conducts skull-bursting-mindless-headcocks in wild fantasy seas of velvet; Keven Brennan beams-in from another epoch, signalling the Australian Surfing Resurrection (and clearly too much to dream last night). Bobby Limb back announces The Masters Apprentices from a kiosk on the edge of tyme…

midget farrelly cutting back

it's a mod mod world

it's a mod mod world
Extradited from the Australian colonies, Tim Crabtree (a stowaway, a mad mod, a gentleman) retraces the serpentine journey of his ancestor Rodney Sumpter through the fields, marshes and haunted castles of his homeland , somewhere between Newquay and the orbit of Neptune; carrying a suitcase full of secrets and a Middle Earth midlength – a child’s bike horn announces the insect surfer’s arrival at the Edge of Entropy – talking hedgehogs – talking clouds – rubbing shoulders with the mystical past (Merlin, The Mad Hatter) while looking like a trainee accountant.

Count five!

Count five!
the count five - enquiries

the count five insect surfboard shaped by thomas bexon, glassed by jake bowrey, logo lachlan leckie, kent turkich speculation - the paisley underground project

rising from the paisley underground

rising from the paisley underground
five years ahead of it's time - midlength mind rocker for insect surfer dee - shaped by thomas bexon and glassed by jake bowrey

the folklords

the otchkies

the otchkies
Culdesac-psych-rock band The Otchkies krept out of the swamps of Tumbulgum, New South Wales, Australia, like a mist - crawling up the walls of the sad town like a scream - disjointed oriental blues - Taman Shudesque levitation – moving objects with only the will of the mind – brash cowboys wandering up the garden path to a higher plain – fairy tales and fairy floss fairly far out – head spinning beautiful sounds snatched from an eternal summer. The Insects caught up with Angus Russel from The Otchkies, or at least a strange vision of Angus, a ghost, to further explore the depths of this notorious yet hazy entity – a band name whispered by crazy mod girls in Gold Coast carparks – uttered by crazy sharpies over Chiko Rolls in front of haunted kiosks – not dared spoken about in darkened pool halls. I asked – What is The Otchkies? He responded – ‘the mystic desert it is…don’t suppose there’s any Soft Machine cover bands playing tonight?’

the creatures

insect trip - go!

insect trip - go!
Dream it up baby – creeping out of a quagmire through to the paisley covered moon valley of joy – black rain subsiding - it's too much - just call an ambulance! - before they come to get me I’ll be somewhere they can’t find me – surfing on the other side of the moon with bobby brown - eternal summer ecstacy (the count five psych-out space log coming soon…watch this inner space)

bexon stringerless shape - jake bowrey glass

gleeful surf store

gleeful surf store
up a garden path - some gnomes hiding - ghosts of bodgies kreeping around in desert boots

scarborough longboards - a golden room of surfing secrets offering resistance on the edge of the boom town

the universe is permeated with the odour of paisley

the universe is permeated with the odour of paisley
tim crabtree - a mad mod exradited after stowing away to the colonies, living under a mushroom for too many hazy years to recall - found this gleeful stubby in a psychedelic picnic in the homeland, in a dream

the pandoras snarling garage

count 3 - the messiah

count 3 - the messiah

a far out trip into the paisley underground

Wolf girl took me down a port city street on a foggy knight – black rain – floods - something strange in a deep sea cave beneath – breathing heavy like a giant sleeping moon-monster – cracking the port city buildings, the gaol, the haunted lunatic asylum - it appeared in night-terrors – an angel of death. Wolf girl steps aside into a shadow. She picks up a jar of eternity laying in this sidesteet since 1966, which had been reopened once or twice since then, and subsequently abandoned until now. The vessel contains the secrets of the paisley undgerground. Wolf girls eye's are wild.

‘do you see my wild eyes?’

She twists the lid. Velvety clouds of joy explode from the jar, slaying the cave beast. The dark angel withers. Outcries of ecstacy! Amazing visions - salty merchants carrying new world treasures – ted spencer dripping with paisley sea tears extending through hollow sections of glee –the easybeats play wild vibrating beat in a cavern – up on a sun-soaked-hill-covered-in-dry-wild-hay-and-a-few-flowers jangly mystic guitars chime – September girls in paisley dresses trip through these fields – keven brennan surfing to love – orange skies - bobby brown raw and alive – magic 9th dimension surfing vessels – the count five – the electric prune spoon – Thomas Bexon sails by on a tiny yacht heading for the edge of the flat earth!


The paisley underground series by insect - eternal surfing boards from the summer of 66, decorated with incredibly scarce vintage paisley fabric inlays - contact

kent turkich meets the critical slide society

kent turkich meets the critical slide society
Kent Turkich is an aspergic hobo with a Keven Brennan fixation travelling somewhere between the edge cities of Western Australia, Noosa Heads, Queensland, and Armageddon. This head-cocking-former-professor has pursued a paradigm shift reported to him on the red telephone - a prophecy transmitted in 1966 to the present day - a disposition which anticipates and rejects! the mad insane complex which has confined the breadth of surfing into commerce and competition and alienated the individual. Despite the darkness that seeks to sell it in stylised quantities, this freek has steered usually rudderless toward timeless surfing – meddling in midlength vee bottoms, 1966 pigs and wooden bellyboards to a scratchy soundtrack of regional garage punk – shoeless tin spaghetti eating rambling in the desert – a resurrection of the self… timeless joy (click on pic for tcss link - creeps!)

kent at first point, noosa heads, australia

a port city at night

a port city at night
a strange seafarer rides a wave of discontent on the edge of the desert, in the boomtown - a ghastly solitude in the background - primordial darkness breaths restlessly in the limestone caverns beneath - eels - troglodytes...mad dead sailors!

just let yourself go

just let yourself go
raoul braithwaite - a mod from the inner city - life member of the paisley underground - crazy bing disc in indonesia - cutting back on a wave

in australia - a strange stubbie shaped by jordan nobel in the side-streets...of his own mind!

the seeds

wild surf on the shores of australia!

wild surf on the shores of australia!
captain parrish watts escorts a distressed hipster from almost certain death in the treacherous waters of first point, noosa heads, securing the loyalty of the lad (jared mell) with a refreshing beverage! pic dane peterson

and whatever next?! harold holt (sporting the latest in surfy attire) has a laugh with the ladies! take it easy harold - you're out numbered!

the australian surfing resurrection continues to mount...

the australian surfing resurrection continues to mount...
limitless pleasure on the edge of tyme

evan daley - the daley tripper - a californian expat messing with tyme and some of the finest inner space saucers in sydney, australia...the harbour city!

kent turkich - a mad affliction for fuzz guitar - in a boomtown hinterland

hallucination bay

hallucination bay
the messiah

the count 3

the count 3
the count 3 - a mad sufing vessel designed for staying deep in the cosmic cylinder of joy...and beyond

noosa heads, queensland, Australia - and all the children have gone a little bit...mad

noosa heads, queensland, Australia - and all the children have gone a little bit...mad
peter farrelly here, riding a count 3 surfboard - a member of the new breed of young, brash, WILD! surfers from the darkened culdesacs of sunshine beach - a strange lunatic who has been hangn' around with the wrong kind of kids, but who is too far gone to realise it - demonstrating a radical new style of surfing informed by a youth spent in the beat dives - lurking in the shadows of knight...crazy psych music...fuzz guitar...wig out...feeling purple...tasting green...

peter farrelly has levitation - don't trip on that banana peel peter!

another surf, another planet

another surf, another planet
andre georgieff, the photographer, going left on a cosmic shoe, on another planet

the pandoras perform in a haunted sea cave

a seagull conjures up an image of kent turkich - contemplative

the messiah @ hallucination bay

the messiah @ hallucination bay

saturday's children

saturday's children
sara page casts a spell over a port city - just one look and nothing else exists

in a mysty blue cove on the edge of armageddon, kent turkich continues a universal quest into the innermost vortex of the breaking wave, the cosmic cylinder, the crystal ship - noseriding is over (again). pic andre georgieff

a mystery trip to a far-off land of surf, pleasure and freedom...freedom...freedom?

a mystery trip to a far-off land of surf, pleasure and freedom...freedom...freedom?
the australian surfing resurrection takes-off

The critical slide society in the western deserts – the last wall of the castle

The critical slide society in the western deserts – the last wall of the castle
It has been announced that founding member of the insects that are not aliens surfing club, Kent Turkich, has secured a shady deal with Shakn’ Sam Coombes of the critical slide society, who are based in Sydney, Australia – the harbour city, on the harbour, in Sydney. The transcontinental deal, said to be valued in the tens of dollars, was secured by wire at about 6:15 pm eastern standard time, with the participants identifying the Western deserts, the suburbs on the edge of boomtown, and some of the inner city dumps, as being in need of deliverance in terms of the critical slide society ethos - a message of freedom emanating from the id - and not dissimilar to that spoken by the insect surfers themselves - a call for truth - for self - for sanctuary amongst a zombie-state fooled by illusory prosperity, by Wall Street mind merchants forging a lie, a need, a false need, for a Prado, a neat lawn the size of a golf course, and a dog to pick up after. Ladies and gentlemen and children of the desert, these are exciting times – a storm is coming and mediocrity will be washed away, like scum. Surfers on the west coast should consider their state of mind, being, and very spirit carefully before associating with this partnership, but you will definitely succumb to the ultimate temptation, the critical slide society, as it brings down the last wall of the castle (the pyramid crumbles).

the latest from the new york stock exchange

the latest from the new york stock exchange
gsi up two and 3/4s - mental illness split 3 for 1 - ulcers up 1 - the australian surfing resurrection, that's the australian surfing resurrection, is up 10 points - the great society, unfortunately is down five points. the boomstate is a cultural culdesac requiring something sacred

count 3 - the messiah

count 3 - the messiah
a triumph of cosmic knowing - understanding the secrets of space and time - a conspiracy of mysticism and autistic precision - the insectsurf jordan nobel pop art experimental trust - glassed by sean nettleton

wolf-girl peeks at the count 3 from a magic hollow

wild scenes in noosa. five years from now

wild scenes in noosa. five years from now

alex bulpit - moffats beach mod - no easybeat - dizzily recalling last nights catastrophic rambling through glistening hastings street - creeping around the slime bins of cafe lemonde - slick hair midnight disappearing in the back shacks

a clock melts into the sand

a strange presence beneath the noosa festival of surfing

a strange presence beneath the noosa festival of surfing

pic justin bevan

Lachlan Leckies mad mad MAD! world of surfing at the noosa festival of surfing!

Lachlan Leckies mad mad MAD! world of surfing  at the noosa festival of surfing!
Marvel as the intrepid director of the Australian surfing resurrection film saga tramps through the wild-wild-Wild! darkness of haunted forests, amongst the reeds, coming from behind the patient hills like a mad moon, leaving the company of gay gnomes and vampires there, to capture the children of the resurrection, gut-sliders, sick like 66, fantastic vee bottom freeks smelling the flowers as if it’s the last day on earth, gloomy inward-looking kiosk-dwellers realising something huge and independent has come into their dreams, escaping the tragic air of the competition like death in the hidden coves – 16mm film, in vivid colour – the Australian Surfing Resurrection Film in Noosa.

its a mad mad mad world of bellyboards

its a mad mad mad world of bellyboards
champions of surf and art will take to vintage pacific bellyboards with keen skill and reckless, gay abandon! don't miss it boys and girls, during the noosa festival of surfing, wednesday march 16, 5-7pm, at noosa longboards. all bellyboards are for sale to the tune of frantic mod sounds, scones and the simplest form of surfing sweeping the nation, a sensation, a crazy, bellyboarding sensation!

Sydney australia

Sydney australia
matt chonoski gos...right. an old man looks on. (pic sproutdaily)

DAley tripper

DAley tripper
like a child in a sweet shoppe, evan daley has shed the veil of tears tying him to the grim illusions of yestrday - taking to the colonies - and a tomorrow realising outstanding creativity, originality, sensitivity and sheer (other) dimension - a daley tripper smelling little flowers with the honey bees in the fields (click on pic for gato heroi madblog)

good lord this is ravin' madd - radio shy-c

good lord this is ravin' madd - radio shy-c
a mystic tide brought a madd message to the insect bat-shed tomorrow - a crazed garage lunatic from the forests of eastern europe has been eminating to the general ether all kinds of insane fuzz and garage and psychedelic, moondelic!, sounds - lost blasts of truth and outrageous insight into the universal mind of the beat of 66 - the shadows of knight - venus fly traps - sir winston and the commons - sound sounds of reality - we the people, and wolf girl, are astounded...check this ludacrous link out by clicking on the pic...derranged!

kai from hamburg, in germany, gets his bowl cut, 5 years from now, another time

in australia, the resurrection is underway

in australia, the resurrection is underway
Lachlan Leckie pulls out of Cobaki, on the margins of sunny Coolangatta, sporting the latest in high tech gadgetry and a very smart looking gentlemens moustache, or face fungus. Here he go's!

Kent Turkich. Out the back. Noosa Heads, Queensland, Australia.

wolf-girl peers out from a gloomy forest hide-out

something has been following me (all summer)

something has been following me (all summer)
There's 50 000 spaceships (watching over me). Have you seen the saucers? Have you seen the saucers? Wolf-girl nods.

the australian surfing resurrection film madness

the australian surfing resurrection film madness
Since about October 1966, the great joy and diversity of surfing has been tormented by a darkness, a sickness, a spectre of doom rising from commercial enterprises and the stifling, limited version of surfing that gos with it. But the spirit has survived. How so, you ask? Ladies and gentlemen and children of the new dawn, despite the madness going-on in the 'surf' stores, the main-streets, and the corporate backrooms; a range of strange introverts, cove dwellers and kiosk lurkers have continued to uphold the most sacred aspects of the art, cosciousness and heart of surfing. A breakaway direction. Mindful surfboard riding. Defying the regime. Doing what they want on all soughts of crazy sliding vessels, flying saucers, handplanes, logs, vee bottoms, finless, mats, simmons. A mid-length manifesto? Why not? Minds free. Unshackled choices about love, life and surf. Whatever next? Whatever next? currently under production through reel dusty productions/lachlan leckie industries coolangatta hinterland

the keven brennan appreciation society

the keven brennan appreciation society
keven brennan (back-turned). one of saturdays children. soup saint. flower-punk-moonchild. mad with love for uncontained surfing-joy. a golden soul withstanding the tragic air...

jake bevan (pic by justin bevan)

Peter Farrelly is an Insect

Peter Farrelly is an Insect
last night i awoke to the strangest dream - midget farrelly steering a vee bottom stubby so on edge the deck of the board was facing the face of the wave - he was strong and young and brash - aloof - he took it through the rotting pillars of a miserable haunted bat shed - i look at the moon - it blinks - and i look at my hands - they creep - and this is not a haunted house but the town of my birth - only webbed and porch-moving like coloured dirty dough - mad children mingle in the playground nextdoor - johnno babbles about the mid-length manifesto - and all this is covered in dead fog - but some moony arms signal the end of darkness - and i miss my girl badly - and i'm talking to the son-of-midgett about the resurrection - peter farrelly ariseth! - insect surfer

peter farrelly

peter farrelly
In Noosa Heads, Queensland, Peter Farrelly (out the back) is quite a hit with the crowd. And why not? He's every bit the larrikan. It's gay times and jokes a-plenty as the nutty Norwegian executes the hard-to-pull-off 'nose ride' high and tight in the 'curl', riding the wave right into shore. Like a flock of Laughing Jackasses, the crowd goes mad. Exposed to an overdose of the 13th Floor Elevators, the Electric Prunes, the Seeds and other disturbing 'music' all too often heard in the beat clubs, surf clubs and sports halls, Peter recently lost his mind.

The Australian Surfing Resurrection

The Australian Surfing Resurrection
lacklan leckie and kent turkich conduct megabusiness related to the forthcoming resurrection. just look at their keen expressions! mad! keep an eye on those figures boys...hey, the ones on the page!

moffats beach madness

moffats beach madness
alex bulpit defends the sands and sad side streets of moffats beach against deadbeats - a turtle orchestrates heavy thunder - a waterfall comes from the tragic cliffs - rainbow

the japanese surfing resurrection? insects in noosa sponnoed by noosa longboards

the japanese surfing resurrection? insects in noosa sponnoed by noosa longboards
kent turkich secures megabusiness and rigamarol surrounding the japanese surfing resurrection - the hills behind conduct hallucinations of keven brennan and bobby brown funny gladness surfing national park - the conductor approves

the insects that are not aliens surfing club gos summer-mad in noosa - sponnoed by noosa longboards

tim crabtree the mod on a scooter - tripn balls pushing pies in hastings street - look out! don't tread on that banana cake - lachlan leckie with spiders in his hair and spiders in his eyes - the most bogus head cocks - bogus board swaps - vintage pacific surfcraft sellout like the hoodoo gurus in 1987 - thomas bexonyouthgonemad - peter farally mad on makaha footage - megan wagener with flowers in her hair and flowers in her eyes - d fin - toads - loose plans and misadveture - pure joy - pure joy

the messiah

the messiah
complete madness - on edge - the result of sitting cross legged in the sand dreaming of the other side - investigations into the midnight - a Count dance - great charm and dignity

in california, the vee bottom revival continues, unchecked, unattached, unsane

in california, the vee bottom revival continues, unchecked, unattached, unsane

Is everybody in? The resurrection is about to begin.

Is everybody in? The resurrection is about to begin.
Sydney, Australia, a big city by the sea. pic justin bevan

Thomas Bexon, just down from the Sunshine Coast, shows the Sydney men a thing or two about style from the...other side...of the border...and surfing, overall. The hard to execute 'pivot turn'. Dangerous but effective. Look out! pic justin bevan

Chonoski, the greaser, surveys the soup from the confines of a his slightly lowered Valiant - saying 'naa, you boys should have been here 5 years from now (chuckle)' pic justin bevan

Bobby Brown go's left!

Cronulla Sunny Craziness. Matt Johnson sets up a tricky 'stall' in the most dangerous part of the curl. Here he go's!

Matt Johson - sensitive child of the resurrection

some sharpieson the shore, culdesac-sad daggared rockers from hell

journey to the centre of the insect mind

journey to the centre of the insect mind

come where the pleasure seekers are

come where the pleasure seekers are
Some bedless dandies dropped by. Megan Wagner, the Californian, is very mystical. Sensitive sister of the moon. I feel better for knowing her. Lachlan Leckie. Brother is my brother. My Digestives melted yesterday.

sara love forever

days of quiet sun

days of quiet sun

surfers out of the habit of scientists hallucinations

surfers out of the habit of scientists hallucinations

tim crabtree straightens himself out in new zealand

tim crabtree  straightens himself out in new zealand
In his earlier days he'd been to sea, learning the ropes and rigmarol of that way of life; sky-larking in a manner which defied his refined background; heir to the greater part of the potato crops covering the sad southern end of England, a fortune in spuds sustaining misadventure, wandering and tremendous joy; carbohydrates shakily upholding a rudderless course to discover the depths of the ocean as much as the cracked, impure psychology of a machine-gun intellect verging on the edge of the edge of insanity, as on the edge of the flat Earth. A sunshine coast castaway. He secured love in New Zealand. And other pleasures. Tim Crabtree understands

wild, wild scenes inside the gold mine.

wild, wild scenes inside the gold mine.
Sand inhabitant. Kent Turkich. The writer. Aspergic precision. Other-times near manic outpourings of Keven Brennen affections. Garage rock recklessness. On a vee bottom. These pics by Andre Georgieff.

baby pixie sister the most beautiful lady girl

the darkness has passed over and a new dawn has begun

the darkness has passed over and a new dawn has begun

are you gonna be there?

are you gonna be there?
i had too much to dream last night. it may seem like i'm coming on strong, but this summer will deliver a vee bottom revival as reported to me through the red telephone in a kind of whispering, just a dream from yesterday, coloured circles making their way around. quietly at first. but with increasing fidelity, mumurs from places, meddling with midlengths in california, noosa and a ragged pounding from coolangatta; rigmaroll curdling toward lift-off in january 2011. a paradigm shift started in 67 surely and rightfully realised despite the epoch of darkness which subsequently subjugated it for forty five years since the advent of commercialism, of competition, of marketing by meatheads, landlocked jocks depriving introverts and other enlightened souls of the truth they know is there, beyond the covers of the dogma they peddle as magazines, fashion and other ploys. all gods children gonna have there freedom. vee day. the vee bottom revival, noosa, summer 2011. are you gonna be there? do you understand the secrets of space and time?

just let go

just let go


Tim Crabtree. From Noosa Heads, Queensland! Trim and time lord. He, just, let...go.

Captn' P'Dog


The Australian Surfing Resurrection is an easy mechanism for independent, wild or otherwise unrestrained surfers/artists to promote their creations without the mad insane complex which generally runs the industry. Freedom from magabusiness. An undisturbed flow from artist to practioner. Coming soon...freaks!



mctavish tripn' balls and pulling out the prototype for the current vee bottom revival

chonoski vee bottom test summer 2011

5 years ahead of the present time

5 years ahead of the present time

share a little joke with the world. timeless joy. the insect

share a little joke with the world. timeless joy. the insect


Acid rain on witherted skin, acid tongue and a crazy grin. This is the summer of vee bottom rivival. Refined. Edgy. The cricket bat is gone, but the potential for embryonic involvement, nestled in the bossom of your own mystery and memory, yet very present, remains. A Magic Carpet ride? Perhaps. Its written in the Oracle this will happen again...and soon. Its very important.





Designed and printed on the side-streets of Australian surf cities from fabrics which won't pill, go weird around the collar or otherwise disintergrate. To be worn as part of the Australian surf resurrection. Care instructions - don't. Sales enquiries -


Unheard involvement @ Hallucination Bay, Australia. Lachlan Leckie and Kent Turkich test the Woolly Mammoth. No nostagia. No hibiscus. A space/time vessel of considerable functionality, a mid-length vee bottom stubby with zero hang-ups. 1967 style. Yes. But truly limitless.These pics by Andre Georgieff


Jock bahen. Always on-edge. His mind drifts to dirt bike riding. Unannounced adventures by yacht to the old world. Hang-gliding. Once a year he returns to the soup and reminds us he is the best log rider in the world. If he could only...keep his...mind on the job.

lachlan leckie. the artist. from coolangatta. executing insect style. the move? sea ash in the sky rocket...a distinctly, west, australian, position - pic andre

later that afternoon, discussing the new era, street of cosciousness, of course


Ladies and gentlemen and children of the insect, hot-doggers, kooks, rubbernecks, pork-choppers, cellar dwellars, swamp inhabitants, sharpies and others; allow me to lay down the following news. This is to announce the death of the thinnest regime of truth which has dominated the art of surfing since the early epochs, from 1966 until yesterday morning at about 8:13 am, whereupon a think tank to do with a new style of on-edge surfing took place on the shores of Western Australia, Australia. No longer constrained by the mad insane complex of commerciality and sanitation which has reigned down upon the freedom and joy of what would otherwise be free thinking individuals, a contingent of surfers opened their minds to new dimensions of pure surf, direct from the id, portraying the limitlessness of the art as much as themselves; forsaking the demands of rule books and time itself, of suburban mind-locked defeatism. Lachlan Leckie of Coolangatta, New South Wales. Parrish Watts, Nooosa Heads, Queensland. Kent Turkich and Jock Bahen, locals but gypsies. As the sea turned to gold, the wind subsided, these boys really turned on. A style of surfing never seen in these parts. Growing awareness of what was at hand. Of the fragments, distant moments, thoughts, realities...coming together like atoms. A consolidated movement. A head-cock in the direction of Midget, a hint of Russel Hughes, gestures taken from the breadth of the glossary but improvised, unshackled, and generally in spite of mediocrity, homogeneity.

If you go there. To Australia. Do be aware that a revolution of the self, of the spirit, is happening on those sunny shores, every very bit as much as an Australian Surf Resurrection. Kent Turkich

kent turkich expresses his approval




frothing robert redford, moon germs, carnival, canavril, tim crabtree sinks his ship, hans pomeranz, head cock, leg cock, sky saxon, psychotic


The untold insight of you unshackled mind

Space time compression will testify that we are tops now as then, and these Jordan Nobel space vessels with Kent Turkich speculation will deliver YOU from the drudgery of domestic hell to the mood of the Insects That Are Not Aliens Surfing Club. Midget Farrely revivalists! Ted Spencer revisionists! Timeless surfing in an age where time is irrelevant, a borderless sea, at last. A garage rock revival...of sorts. Katoomba hey!

Australian Surf Resurrection!

Three models depicting the heights of Australian surfing in the mid to late 60s. Refined for timeless surfing – a modified Sam from the hot generation, a 67 style vee bottom stubby to cure the loveless, and a Spenceresque spoon for embryonic involvent. Pure joy friends. Pure joy...

Count 3! – a refined traditional longboard researched by Australias best log riders for surfing beautiful waves on any coast. 1966 to the present – this is timeless joy.
9’4 – 9’6, rolled bottom, flat deck, wide hips – raw and alive!


kent turkich considers the count three


the admiral tim crabtree, noosa heads, riding insect stick gourmet series

lachlan leckie (esq) on a magic carpet ride, rainbow bay, coolangatta


sara considers the insect/note surfboards collaboration which gave rise to the most fine new traditional log informed by local demands, noosa homelesness - surf club food scavengers eating canned soup from a cracked plastic bowl, 6 months in a leaky holden...rejoice!


a lady in the swamps of munna point noosa handed us these pictures. she cleaned the fires and facilities in that general area. one of the men in stubbies is her brother, nz, 1967. hair style confusion, vee bottoms like the back of cricket bats, naive child-like psychedelic slogans - what else do you want? around about crescent head acid rain fell our our whithered skin, and on the prints

the other side


or something.
its not me its an incarnation of me.
im not there.
or here.
or anywhere.
the crazy never die for sure.



NOOSA 2010

NOOSA 2010
kent @ ttree - sharing


Look, it's brother Parrish. He's as popular with the birds as he is the lads!

Hey - i didn't mean those birds! Settle down there fella!

Brother Isaac watches on - bemused - he's a, real, go, getter

NOOSA 2010

NOOSA 2010
kent @ ttree - lame midgett fiasco on count 5 garage series insect stick

sara @ ttree


sara w noel tudor


Sunny Noosa. Seems there's a wave at every corner. And don't the kids love it! And why shouldn't they? Sporting the latest in VPS belly board designs (they come in all the colours of the rainbow by the way) these sun sucking boys and girls are demonstrating previously unseen acts of crusher defiance, dumper dexterity, pipe proficiency; showing extraordinary skill and expertise behind the 'curl', and now you can get lucky (hang on - in the surf that is), experience the same thrill, all across Australia through Vintage Pacific Surfcraft and Insect. Hey junior can i have a go? Sure daddy-o, these come in all shapes and sizes for hangers-on and hotdoggers alike - just let go...

sara and insect mobile


Jordan Nobel is an angelhearted hipster who has been otherwise engaged in the usual cosmic misadventures over the festering season (perfect days in Crescent Head, Northern, New South Wales, Australia, albeit with otherworldly figures in tow). He has landed. And just in tyme to join minds with the insect to finally complete the great Australian 66 surf resurrection, the Keven Brennan revival. The space time continuum will testify that we are tops now as then (with a gay cheerio to all our international friends, we love you all), and Jordan Nobel space vessels with Kent Turkich speculation will deliver YOU from the drudgery of domestic hell to the id of insect ideology, timeless surfing in an age where time is irrelevant, a borderless sea, at last...Our new models will emerge over the month. Rest easy, friends.



children of the sun - kent and sara, heart of insect







o-oh bongo


brother lache and k @ superbank


keven brennan - insect patron saint

Saturday, September 18, 2010

strange voices from the edgy, inner grid roads of the boom town. brother richard

An old blurred photo ...surfer with classic arms in the air throws a nice wake up demonstrating high speed whilst gliding across a rough and stormy hallucination bay wall...this is the time and it will never be the same again.
Were tops now !

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